Our extensive corporate partner network allows us to offer industry leading add-on products and services to get your team where they need to be.
(781) 481-9240
HSCG offers a wide variety of training options. We offer on or-off site training, public and private sessions to address your specific needs.
"The GoldMine Guru"
Tired of SalesForce and other CRM systems that are costing you money? HS Consulting Group is a value-added GoldMine Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solutions Provider. We bring our experience in software consulting, customer service, technical support and training to help our clients build and maintain lasting, successful business relationships.
Our professional staff includes Manufacturer Certified Technicians and Trainers skilled in each product we support. We even use them ourselves! We have special expertise in installation, training, and optimization of the GoldMine suite of applications and many other leading edge technologies.
HS Consulting Group is committed to bringing you a consistently high level of service. We are an indispensable asset to over 200 successful enterprises.
HSCG offers only industry leading CRM products. We are manufacturer certified in everything we offer. This allows us to help you get the most out of your Sales Team.
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